
Mangla was declared as a Cantonment in the year 1968 and its boundaries were declared vide per Govt of Pakistan MoD Notification No.127/1/I/G/SO(C)/ML&C/68/2202-D-5, dated 04.10.1968. Mangla Cantonment is predominantly inhabited by Army, housing the 1 Corps Headquarters and 19 Div Headquarters.

Bazar Area

Bazar Area (measuring 13.1814 Acres) was notified vide Govt of Pakistan, Min of Def (ML&C Deptt) Rawalpindi letter No. 118/44/TP/ML&C/02 dated 23.07.2015.

Classification Area (Acres) Usage Purpose
A-1 1496.64 Units, Barracks, Lines, CMH, MES Office, BOQs, MOQs, OR lines, JCO Lines, Officer Colonies etc. Land in the active occupation of the Army
A-2 ----- Open Land Vacant Military Land for specific purpose.
B-1 177.82 Post Office, PO Colony, T&T Communication Building & Railway Administration. Land which is occupied or used by the federal government except Ministry of  Defence
B-2 190.35 Provincial Govt land. Land which is occupied or used by the provincial government.
B-3 6.84 Land leased out to private persons Leased land which is held by any private person
B-4 256.10 Land ,which is not included in any class Vacant land which has not leased out to any one
C 72.73 Roads, Public Parks, Quarters,Graveyard, Drains and Nullahs etc Land which is vested in the Board
Private 840.69 Private Land  
Total 3041.18    


Population (as per 2017 Cencus) 16,334
Bazar Area 13.1814 (Acres)
Health Institutions 01
Educational Institutions 01
Garden/ Park 13
Fountains / Waterfall 07 / 08
Disposal Station 01
Boundary Pillars 120
Grave Yard 02
Cantt Board Roads 06
MES Roads 26
Provisional Highway Roads 04
Tube Wells 02
Filtration Plants 01
Street Lights 404